Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Engr Ramon Aguilus response to JTL email re PSME reunification effort 4Mar13

Thank you Sonny for your concern for PSME and for those other people who truly love their profession and the PSME. However we cannot have our own interest to be the deciding factor in the direction that PSME will go. We only have one voice just like any other member in PSME. We can have differences in opinion and that is just normal since we have our different background. All voices are welcome to be heard and issues can be discussed and if we need to divide the house, then we vote to have a decision.

This is the democratic process and issues are not decided by the one who has a strong or loud voice. Issues are discussed and decided by the majority and all members are supposed to abide by the decision of the majority and respect it since it is the will of the majority. The majority had decided that there is only one PSME, united with 85 chapters as of March 2, 2013 with address in Paredes, and I respect that decision because it is the decision of the majority.

My interest is subordinate to the interest of the society. We can always speak what we think is right but cannot impose it to the society if the majority has a different issues or factors to address and consider in making decision. Respect for each other is the only way that conflict can be resolve. Without respect no conflict can be resolved. We are human beings and we are not perfect. We have limited time as officers and we cannot do everything that we can in a span of one year. We will continue learning and improve our services to the members and that is my task and I will try to accomplished what I can do to accomplished these tasks.

I do not have time to spend in figuring out what went wrong in 2006 or 2007. I do not have time to investigate the audited accounts of PSME done by Banaria but I will not forget that Banaria report. I dont know who are responsible for squandering the member's funds and nobody was charge in court for misuse of the member's fund. What I know is that thru the united efforts of the members, officers and directors of the Paredes group, since the time of Pres. Vosotros, the Bayoran group became irrelevant. The majority of the our members had already decided to join the only PSME in the Philippines, with 85 united chapters at present.

I think as professionals and PSME members we should all respect that.


Ramon D. Aguilos, PME, FPSME, AA
VP Technical      
Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers
Integrated Association of Mechanical Engineers

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