Saturday, April 7, 2012

Oil, a global problem.

29 March 2012

Last Monday evening, March 28, a major broadsheet’s news item in the net ( /51135/civil-society-groups-launch-coalition-vs-oil-price-hikes) announced the launching of the Coalition Against Oil Price Increases. This group whose claimed advocacy is the “bringing down of oil prices” is reportedly composed of lawmakers, church people, business, consumer, as well as activist groups that intend to urge the administration to “undertake all possible measures to rein in and lower oil prices”. Citing the oil companies’ recent jacking up of prices 10 times as of last week versus the three times that the prices were rolled back, they claim that the government has not done much to address the problem.  As such, they raised and expressed their support for the following four issues, namely:  the “reduction, suspension or removal of the VAT on oil, the review or repeal of the oil deregulation law…a probe into the pricing schemes of oil companies, and a rollback in prices”. They also claim that “There are many options and possibilities for lowering oil prices. These range from short-term measures to medium and long-term proposals” - which maybe, they should provide more details on.
As to whether or not the group’s stance with respect to the four issues are valid, I believe that the coalition, being composed of citizens, have all the right to raise these concerns, and I think that it is the government’s duty and responsibility to openly and objectively address them. In this way, what can possibly be rectified is rectified; and those that can’t be, is properly explained to the public. I , for one would also like to be enlightened why I have to pay Php 58.35 per liter for my gas which is 21.46% more expensive than the price per liter in the US ( at $4 per gallon).
On the other hand, what does not fit well with me though, is, as I have observed, the inclination of some to resort to name calling, which has been taken advantage of by some quarters to degrade the President’s person. Although I don’t think the attempts were effective, I think the “demolition” effort was childish and even foolish, because it attempts to weaken the very person who must spearhead the effort to bring about the corrections being sought.
The current concern regarding oil and gasoline got me to read up on these items and what I learned got me really worried. First of all, it turns out that the price of oil has already reached the US$147/ barrel in July 2008 (, and I remember paying about Php60/liter for my gasoline during that time. The reason for this high level was the geopolitical tension then over Iranian missile tests. Currently, the price of oil is at US$124/barrel, which is partly caused by, again, by geopolitical tensions with Iran that threatens to block the Strait of Hormus, through which 20% of the traded oil worldwide passes. If the geopolitical condition deteriorates, then there is a possibility that the July 2008 experience will be repeated, bringing more oil related difficulties to all.
Another worry is the concern about “peak oil”, which is the point in time where oil production flows are unable to increase.  In 2010, the International Energy Agency declared, based on data gathered from the oil fields, that the peak of conventional oil production occurred in 2006. It has also been established that the oil production growth has stopped in 2004 and has remained to within 5% of its peak (approx 86 million barrels/day) despite historically high prices. The problem is that despite the plateau in worldwide oil production, economies of countries like China and India continue to grow and keep on increasing their oil demand. Given the law of supply and demand, it seems that realistic global conditions point to more expensive oil in the future.
It seems that the oil problem runs deeper than how we perceive it, and we may have to start already focusing also on efforts to mitigate effects of oil shortage. This however is definitely not an easy matter to tackle. More details on this in my next articles on this subject.

Ideas on the matter of RA 8495 and the PME gap

15 March 2012
During the 2nd meeting of the 2012 National Board of the Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers held in Cebu City last February 4, I was handed a copy of a 3,801 word document titled “RA 8495: Clarification on our hierarchy based on different perspectives”, authored by Eng’r. Carmelo P. Tompar. I was also made to understand, that this document (available at http://www.psmecomments. was written as a response to my December 4, 2011 article titled “Professional imbalance also an ME concern”.
As a backgrounder, my December 4 article zeroed in on the “prevalence…of the shortage of [Professional Mechanical Engineers]… that has resulted in the unchecked and large scale violation of the ME law [which] is a disservice not only to the [mechanical engineering] profession but also to the country, as the shortage, in a way, deprives the various enterprises of competent personnel that can enhance their success, and in effect, undermine the country’s nation building and development initiatives. Such a situation, to this writer’s mind, points only to one course of action, which is, expediting the correction of the prevailing particular professional imbalance”.
Going through Eng’r. Tompar’s document, I would interpret its essence as follows: He believes that in order to address the PME shortage, there is the need to provide “Focus and emphasis on [the] Professional Mechanical Engineering Examination…” He believes that the Fundamental Cannon #2 of the “Code of Ethical and Professional Standards for the Practice of Mechanical Engineering Profession” should likewise be an operative factor, together with Sec.17 (a) of RA 8495, in the “structuring” of the prerequisites for granting the PME grade. In so doing, there would be a full implementation of the provisions of the law.
Sec. 17(a) specifies that “The granting of professional mechanical engineer Certificate of Registration shall be testimonial in nature…”, while Cannon #2, which was crafted as part of BME Resolution No.6, Series of 2003 (on the strength of Sec. 9(a) of RA 8495), states that “Mechanical Engineers in the fulfilment of their professional duties, shall…Perform services only in areas of their competence”.
The logic of this approach is that it can speed up the processing of PME applicants without compromising on the qualifications of a passing engineer since his/her competence would be tested with respect to his/her own experience and expertise. More PMEs can then be generated in the process.
Eng’r. Tompar also opined that “the full implementation of RA 8495 could only be actualized if there is immediate action of PSME, the PRC and the Department of [Interior and] Local Government”. He did not support this statement with details but I would hazard to guess what he means as follows:
The function of DILG and PRC will be material in terms of enforcing the ME Law on the strength of Sec. 40 empowering them to enforce the provisions as well as prosecute violators.
The function of the PRC and BME will be material on the strength of Sec.9 (a) and Sec.9 (g) of the ME Law. These sections empower them to promulgate and adopt rules and regulations necessary for carrying out the provisions of the law. Perhaps what can be addressed along this line is to reconsider current operating policies in the light of what is stated in Sec.2, Statement of Policy, which includes also, aside from regulatory measures, programs and activities as other means of nurturing and developing the mechanical engineers and the mechanical engineering profession. Perhaps even the policy of not entertaining applications of RMEs connected with non-compliant companies can be reconsidered as it seems to be one of the PME stumbling blocks.
As to the function of PSME, perhaps what it can do is to fortify its effort in getting the ME Law amended as soon as possible so that it can be improved  to be a truly effective law for the enhancement of the mechanical engineering profession.

Oman experience, part 2

08 March 2012

As mentioned in my last article, I had to wait for about four hours at the Abu Dhabi International Airport for my connecting flight to Muscat, Oman. While waiting, I met two Filipino overseas workers also headed for Oman. One of them is Arnel Siapno, who, after a three month home leave, was returning to his work as the company cook at the Belgian firm, Jan de Nul, a leading company specialized in dredging and land reclamation projects all over the world. According to Arnel, his company is in the process of finishing a project it has been working on for the last five years (since 2007) in the Port of Duqm, Oman. The project involves the construction of a new port complex, breakwaters and quay walls, including the dredging of the access channel and harbour basin. After finishing in a month or so, they’re set to move on to another big assignment in Vietnam.
Meanwhile, in the plane, I had as seatmate a 29 year old Filipino civil engineer who was also returning to his work with Parsons International, a company recognized internationally as a leader in the planning, designing and implementation of infrastructure projects. Eng’r Ronaldo “Mark” Angeles, who to his credit has attained the position as a Site Engineer at such a young age, seemed to be just too eager to engage me in conversation and share with me a lot of stories about him. He related that he is from Bulacan, and the eldest among three siblings. Being the eldest, and the first to finish college, he (just like a lot of Filipinos in a similar situation) succeeded in supporting his sister (a teacher) and his brother (an ECE) through college. Now, feeling that he has somehow complied with his responsibility to his younger siblings, he is eyeing settling down with his fiancée Ms Maria Blanche Samaco, a flight stewardess with Oman Air. It was so evident how deeply in love he is with her, in the way he fondly recalled how he won Maria, in spite of his being turned down twice. According to him he continued to pursue her because she is the realization of his dream of having a wife who is both beautiful and someone who never had a boyfriend. On my part I shared with him some advice I usually give young engineers on how they can improve their chance of succeeding in their profession, e.g., being conscious of not ending up with a “smokestack” development, but instead consciously adopting a development path similar to that of an “inverted cone”. The exchange continued pleasantly along these lines during the entire flight, with the two other “kababayans” (Arnel and Rudyrick Fernando) who were, seated not far from us, eventually joining in.
What transpired when we arrived in the Muscat Airport was to me heart-warming because without my asking, the three made it a point to stay with me and assisted me in getting through the immigration desk. This was despite the fact that they were really all in a hurry - one of them was still going to make an eight hour land trip to Duqm, while the other two were supposed to proceed directly from the airport to their work. We all took our separate ways only after they made sure I already cleared immigration and have collected my luggage.
I had three Filipino engineers who attended my lectures (together with nineteen Omani and two Indian nationals). They were Eng.’s Dominador Velasco, Brandy Guevarra (both mechanical engineers) and Ferdinand Aluning (electrical engineer). I also met and had the chance to interact with a few of what I was told were more than thirty Filipino men and women technical professionals in Haya Water - among them, Eng.’s Jerry Valente, Robin Barquez, Wilmer Gromo, Armer Samson and Gary Espinosa. Interacting with them, I sensed their self-confidence, which probably is a result of the recognition of their value in the organization by their Omani peers and superiors, some of whom I also had the opportunity to talk with. I likewise sensed this self-confidence with the two Filipina waitresses (Liezel and Liza whose family names I unfortunately failed to get) who took care of me in the hotel restaurant where I took my breakfast and dinner. I again observed this self confidence in the hundreds of Filipinos that converged in Abu Dhabi airport, including the Qatar based construction worker I sat with in the plane on my way back. If I were to hazard an explanation for such an effect, it must be the realization of a higher self-worth; brought about by the actual experiencing of achieving something that they never thought they could achieve.
When the wheels of the Etihad Airways B 777 300 touched down almost everyone in the plane clapped, and I presume it is because of happiness for being back home once more. After looking around, I also clapped, but for another reason – just like what is done after a witnessing a terrific performance, I clapped for them!

Oman experience, Part 1

02 March 2012

The opportunity to make my first ever trip to the Middle East was brought about by a commitment to give a lecture titled “Challenging Traditional Approaches in Maintenance” to the staff of the Oman Wastewater Services Company (Haya Water), a corporation owned by the Sultanate of Oman.
I’m finishing this article while on my sixth day in Muscat, the capital of Oman, and, observing a two day break (Thursday and Friday), their equivalent of our weekend in the Philippines. Resumption of the lecture shall be on Saturday and completed the following day, Sunday.
This trip, as usual, has proven to be truly educational especially in terms of being able to further appreciate, and this time in close quarters, the talents of Filipinos, as well as the honor that this new generation of heroes (the OFWs) are giving our country. It has been an educational opportunity, as well, in terms of being exposed first hand to the culture of another country that has given economic opportunities to a lot of our countrymen.
The travel from my home didn’t seem to start very well, as despite the four and a half hour lead time that I purposely provided to give myself comfortable time in traversing the 30 kilometer distance to the airport, and in going through the checking-in process of what to me is an unfamiliar trip was eaten up by – guess what – clogged roads. I barely made it to meet the boarding time of the 11:55 PM flight. My complaint in particular was the bottlenecks, practically gridlocks, at two points of my route to the airport, and, at 9:30 in the evening. One bottleneck was before crossing the bridge traversing the SLEX from the Fort and the other one after crossing the same bridge towards the road going to Nichols where the terminals are. The ill-discipline of the drivers, as well as the possibility of traffic build-up at those points and at that particular time, are, to me, already a given, and I think that this factors should have enabled the authorities responsible for controlling traffic to develop and adopt pre-emptive measures. This particular traffic problem in this particular location at a particular time is definitely brought about by clearly identifiable recurring factors so it should not be difficult to implement steps like assigning more traffic control officers armed with a traffic control strategy designed to address this traffic problem. I can just imagine the tension that tourists, coming from the Fort on their way to the airport, are subjected to because of fear of missing their flight. Definitely not a good way of saying, thank you, or, goodbye please come again.
At any rate, I was able to successfully board my flight, after going through the process of cueing at our Terminal One, pay my travel tax, check in my luggage, have my visa to Oman read, then back to the check-in counter, pay the terminal fee, go through the single snake-like cue of what looked like 500 passengers to pass through immigration, and then, being advised that I left my visa at the check-in counter. One bright spot though was the courtesy and graciousness of the lady immigration officer who respectfully asked me to fill up a departure card (which I should have done beforehand and told her straight I did not have any) so that I can get through her gate.
The plane for the nine hour flight to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates was a Boeing 777 300, and the airline, Etihad Airways. In the plane I was seated beside Mr Gilbert Reonal, a Registerd Nurse on his way back to work. We had a wonderful conversation for a big portion of the flight, and he struck me as being one of the more privileged Filipino ex-pats in the UAE. He is currently working as a Nurse Manager for the UAE Health System, and aside from managerial duties, is involved in psychiatry as well as addiction and rehab work. According to him, he has been working for 22 years in the Middle East, 8 years of which he spent in Oman, 2 years with the Abu Dhabi Armed Forces and 12 years with his current job. He was part of the first group of Filipino medical personnel who worked in Oman and which, according to him, was responsible in encouraging the government to “Omanize” their medical system, i.e., develop their own nurses and doctors. Nowadays, their medical system is manned by Oman citizens.
 He also made me aware of the successes of various Filipino individuals as well as groups in the Middle East, among them a lady engineer who was one of the consultants in the building of the Burj Khalifa Building, the tallest building in the world as of 2011, as well as a Filipino who owns Oman Phil, a manpower company that brought in Filipino workers during the 1980s. Pilipino professionals like the nurses (of which there are about 50,000 in Abu Dhabi), educators (with PhDs teaching in colleges), engineers (working in the oil and gas, and construction industries), as well as non-professional successfully providing their skills abound in the Emirates.
The flight was generally smooth except for a little bumpy portion towards the end, which caused the flight crew to delay serving hot drinks for breakfast. This was however more than compensated for by the amiable and gracious crew headed by Ms Aurora “Au” Hechanova, the Cabin Crew Manager. Being a proponent of quality, I consciously observed how capably she managed her staff, and I would attribute the effectiveness of the cabin crew to the example that she herself showed. This performance must be typical of this airline and probably the reason why it gets so much passengers. I was actually surprised to see the large cordoned-off waiting area in front of our gate full of passengers, and practically in a SRO situation, when I checked in. Ms Hechanova, by the way, also informed me that about 50 percent of the Etihad Airways personnel are Filipinos; and there are pilots as well.
We landed at Abu Dhabi about 15 minutes ahead of schedule, and as I took the long long walk towards the terminal for my connecting flight to Muscat, I was saying “wow” because of what I saw. I was telling myself, so, this is the example of a world class airport; clean and well lit walk ways, working walkalators, very clean toilets with working fixtures, courteous personnel and comfortable lounges for waiting passengers, like me, as I have to while away four hours before my connecting flight to Muscat, Oman takes off. More interesting stories on our compatriots and my Oman experience to follow.

Kahalagahan ng isang supervisor #4

22 March 2012

Natalakay na sa mga naunang bahagi ng artikulong ito ang dalawa sa tatlong paksang kung saan ay dapat nakatutok at naididiin ang pagsasanay, o training, ng isang supervisor, upang ang kakayahan niyang mangasiwa ay mapatibay at mapabisa. Ang mga ito ay ang kaalaman sa trabahong sasakupin (job knowledge) at kakayahan sa pakikipagkapwa-tao (behavioral skills). Sa bahaging ito ngayon ay tatalakayin naman natin ang pangatlong paksa; ang kakayahang mag-isip na parang pangasiwaaan (management-mindedness).
Ang pag-iisip at paggalaw na parang isang ganap na nangangasiwa ay maipapahiwatig sa pamamagitan ng mga sumusunod na pamamaraan:
Una, ay ang pagtanto, pagtarok at pagsasapuso ng ‘bisor sa mga pilosopiya (philosophy), patakaran (policies) at pamamaraan (procedures) ng kumpanyang kanyang kinabibilangan. Mahalagang ang kaalaman o kasanayan niya tungkol sa mga nabanggit ay kasintindi ng kaalaman o kasanayan niya tungkol sa mga pamantayan (standards) o kota (quota ) sa kanyang trabaho. Sa pamamagitan nito ay lubos na tataas ang kakayanan niyang maipaliwanag sa kanyang mga tauhan ang mga layunin (o hangarin) ng kumpanya, at kung paano naman magkaagapay ang hangarin ng kumpanya at ang kani-kanilang mga sariling hangarin. Mahalaga na mapalakas ang kakayanang ito dahil, kagaya ng nabanggit na sa nakaraang unang bahagi ng artikulong ito, ay sa kamay ng mga ‘bisor nakasalalay ang pagpapalabas ng resulta na inaasahan buhat sa mga trabahador (na kanyang mga tauhan). At, malaki naman ang kinalaman ng matagumpay na pagpapalabas ng inaasahang resulta sa pangkalahatang tagumpay sa negosyo ng kumpanya.
Pangalawa, ay ang pagkakaroon ng ‘bisor ng ugaling patuloy na mapabuti pa at madagdagan ang pansariling kaalaman, kakayahan at pananaw tungkol sa mga bagay-bagay (self-improvement), lalung –lalo na ang mga bagay na may kinalaman sa trabaho, at pati na ang pakikitungo sa mga tao. Isang mabisang pamamaraan ng pamumuno ang pagpapakita ng sarili bilang halimbawa kung kaya malamang na tularan ng kanyang mga tauhan ang ‘bisor sa makikita nilang pagpupursige nitong mapaigting at mapalawak pa ang sariling kakayanan. Kapag nangyari ito ay magiging isang malaking kahalagahan para sa kumpanya. May mga hamon, banta, hadlang at kabigatang hinaharap sa pakikipag-kompetensiya sa negosyo na dapat na pagpahalagahan ng ‘bisor, at dapat din siyang makiisa sa pagpupunyagi upang manaig at magtagumpay ang kumpanya. Isang pamamaraan nga dito ang tuloy-tuloy na pagpupursige upang lalo pang mapaige ang kalidad ng produktung ginagawa at serbisyong ibinibigay niya, at saka ng kanyang mga tauhan. Dagdag na din dito ang ginagawang kusang pagpapalawig ng sariling kakayahan na magdadagdag di lang ng kanyang halaga sa kumpanya, kundi pati na rin sa kakayanan ng kumpanyang makipagtagisan at manaig sa negosyo.
At kung mayroon mang nagnanais na magpadala ng katanungan tungkol sa mga nakasulat ay mangyari lang na magpadala sa aking email na o sa aking webpage na http://www.facebook/jtl3mekaniko.

Kahalagahan ng isang supervisor #3

2 February 2012
Nuong nakaraan ay natalakay ko ang kahalagahan ng pagsasanay sa mga supervisor, upang maging mabisa sila sa pang-una nilang tungkulin na maipatupad nila sa kanilang mga tauhan ang nakaatang na mga gawain nila - kung ito man ay ang pagbubuo ng isang produkto, paggawa ng gawaing pang-upisina, o pagbibigay ng isang serbisyo.
Nabanggit ko din na, sa ganang akin, ang pagsasanay sa mga supervisor ay dapat na itutok sa mga sumusunod na tatlong paksa. Una, kaalaman tungkol sa trabahong sakop (job knowledge), na kung saan ay nasasaklaw ang kakayahang teknikal tungkol sa trabaho (technical skills), kaalaman tungkol sa mga pamamaraan sa pagpapatakbo ng trabaho (familiarity with operational aspect of the work), at ang kaalaman at kakayanan sa pangangasiwa, o pamamahala (administrative and management skills). Pangalawa, ang kakayahang makipagkapwa-tao (behavioural skills), na siyang nakatakda nating talakayin ngayon. At pangatlo, ang kakayahang mag-isip na parang pangasiwaan (management mindedness).
Ang pagkakaroon ng isang malawak na kakayanang makipagkapwa-tao ng isang ‘bisor ay magbubunga ng isang malusog na pagkakaugnay niya sa kanyang mga tauhan. At ang ganitong malugod na lagay ng isang samahan ay makakapagpadali sa pag-papasang-ayon sa mga tauhan na makipagtulungan upang ang mga minimithing layunin o hangarin ng organisasyon ay matamo.
Marami nang pag-aaral ang nagawa tungkol sa kung anu-ano ang kinakailangan sa pakikipag-kapwa-tao, at may nagsabi na makikita ang kakayanang ito sa pamamaraang ginagamit mo sa pakikitungo sa iba; at pati na din sa kung paano naman ang pagtanggap mo sa pakikitungo nila sa iyo. Ito ay makikita sa kung paano ka makipag-usap, makinig, magtanong, mag-utos, mag-ganyak, makiusap, magbigay ng tulong, magbigay ng papuri, magdesisyon, atbp. Makikita din ito sa kung paano ang pagtanggap mo sa dumarating na reklamo, sa paghingi mo ng paumanhin, makipag-usap sa isang galit, trato sa pagkabigo, pagpapasalamat, pagtitimpi, pangangalap ng impormasyon, pagtrato sa problema, atbp.
Napatunayan na din ng marami na ang maayos na pakikipagkapwa-tao ay isang mabisang paraan upang mapasigla ang communication sa isang grupo o organisasyon. Malaki din ang maitutulong nito upang mapataas ang pagpapahalaga sa sarili (self-esteem) at kasiglahan (morale) ng samahan. Mapapasibol at mapapayabong din nito ang pagtutulungan ng magkakasama (teamwork) na siyang isang sagot sa pagpapataas ng productivity -  isa sa pinakamahalagang sangkap para sa pagtatagumpay ng isang organisasyon.
Ang tunay at tapat na pakikipagkapwa-tao, higit sa lahat, ay katambal ng mabisang pamumuno. At ang ‘bisor na may mataas nang kaalaman sa kanyang trabahong sakop, at nakikitaan ng kanyang mga tauhan ng tunay at tapat na pakikipagkapwa-tao, ay di malayong tanghaling isang kagalang-galang at pinag-pipitagang puno, na siyang pagsisibulan ng isang matibay at mabisang pamunuan.
Ngunit ano nga ba ang mabisang pamumuno, o effective leadership ng isang ‘bisor? Ito ay hindi ang pagiging popular dahil sa kinukunsinte ang mga tauhan, o sa pagiging mapagpalayaw. Hindi din ito maipapakita sa pamamaraang pagiging mabagsik, o kinatatakutan upang mapasunod ang mga tauhan.
Sa halip, ang mabisang pamumuno ay maipapakita sa pamamagitan ng tunay na makataong trato sa mga tauhan, at di parang kasangkapan lang; pagpapakita ng pantay na pagpapairal ng disiplina at pagmamalasakit sa kapakanan at karapatan nila; pagkilala sa halaga nila sa ikapagtatagumpay ng organisasyon; tuloy-tuloy na pagpapaliwanag sa kanila tungkol sa mga hangarin at panuntunan ng orgnisasyon; patuloy na pagpapataas ng kanilang kaalaman at kakayanan, at pagbibigay ng kanilang kailangang kagamitan upang matagumpay na magampanan nila ang kanilang nakatakdang gawain; pagpapakita ng patas na trato sa lahat; pagtutuwid ng mga kamalian, at pagdadagdag sa mga kakulangang karunungan; pagpapakita ng ‘bisor ng kanyang sarili bilang isang halimbawa ng isang responsible at kapaki-pakinabang na empleyado.
Ang pagkakaroon ng isang mabisang pamumuno (na kung saan ay nakadiin ang pagpapairal ng dalisay na pakikipagkapwa-tao) ang siyang kailangan upang maganyak ang mga tauhan na makipagtulungan, at magpakasigasig, para sa ikapagtatagumpay ang organisasyon. Lalong magiging epektibo ang pamamaraan na ito kung sadyang ibinabahagi sa mga tauhan ang mga layunin ng organisasyon, at ipinapaliwanag sa kanila ang tungkol sa kahalagahan nito pagdating sa kapakanan nila - at ng organisasyon. At kaagapay nito, ay ang pagbibigay din sa kanila nang kakayahang tumukoy ng mga hangaring kung saan ay magiging kapakipakinabang sa organisasyon at sa kanila, at sa pagpapatupad ng mga hanqaring tinukoy, sa pamamagitan ng paggamit nila ang kanilang angking kasanayan at talino (empowerment).
Ang paksang susunod na tatalakayin ng artikulo sa ilalim ng pangkalahatang pamagat na “Kahalagahan ng isang supervisor” ay ang kakayahang mag-isip na parang pangasiwaan (management mindedness). At kung mayroon mang nagnanais na magpadala ng katanungan tungkol sa mga nakasulat ay mangyari lang na magpadala sa aking email na o sa aking webpage na http://www.facebook/jtl3mekaniko.

Kahalagahan ng isang supervisor, #2

26  January 2012

Sa nakaraang artikulo ay naidiin ko na mahalaga ang mga supervisor sa ikapagtatagumpay ng isang kumpanya (lalong-lalo na ang isang pabrika). Ito ay sa kadahilanang nakaatang sa kanila ang direktang pamamahala sa mga manggagawang siyang gumagawa, o bumubuo, ng produkto ng kumpanya. Lubos na mahalaga ang katungkulang ito dahil sa kailangang maging mabisa silang mga supervisor sa pamamahala upang maayos na magampanan naman ng mga tauhan nila ang inaasahan buhat sa kanila ng kumpanya. Kung walang maayos na produkto, o serbisyo, ay mahihirapang magtagumpay ang kumpanya sa larangan ng negosyo. Ito ang isang dahilan kung kaya’t kailangang bigyan ng matinding pagpapahalaga ng isang kumpanya ang pagsasanay, o training, ng mga supervisor.
Nabanggit ko rin noong nakaraan na sa ganang akin ay dapat ituon ang pagsasanay sa mga sumusunod na paksa: una ay sa kaalaman tungkol sa trabahong sakop (job knowledge); pangalawa ay sa kakayahang makipag-kapwa-tao (behavioural skills); pangatlo ay sa kakayahang mag-isip na parang pangasiwaan (management mindedness). Tatalakayin natin ngayon ang una sa tatlong paksang nabanggit.
 Ang kaalaman tungkol sa trabahong sakop ng isang ‘bisor ay masasabing mayroong tatlong bahagi. Una dito ay ang kakayahang teknikal tungkol sa trabaho (technical skills) na kung saan ay maipapakita niya ang malalim na pagkakaintindi sa mga makinaryang ginagamit ng pangkat niya ; kagaya ng kung anu-ano ang nagagawa ng mga ito, at kung paano pinag-iingatan at inaalagaan upang mapanatili ang kanilang pagk-mabisa. At kasama din dito ang kaalaman tungkol sa mga proseso (processes), pamantayan (standards), detalye ng produkto (product specifications), at ang kailangang kalidad (quality requirements) sa pinangagasiwaan niya.
Pangalawa ay kaalaman tungkol sa mga pamamaraan sa pagpapatakbo ng trabaho (familiarity with operational aspect of assigned work), na kung saan ay matutugunan niya  ang pagtupad sa mga deadline dahil na din sa batid niya ang dami ng kinakailangang magawang mga produkto (volume targets), at ang naipangakong araw ng delibery (delivery commitments). Kaya din niyang tugunan ang naiatang na mga cost limits para sa operasyon ng kanyang pangkat dahil sa matinding kamalayan niya at pagtugon sa productivity targets, ingat sa paggamit ng materials at iba pang mga kagamitan (prudent usage of resources), limitasyon sa mga naaaksayang gamit at mga di pumapasang produkto (waste and rejection limits), at kakayahan sa pagtupad sa mga(performance efficiency targets).
At ang pangatlo ay ang kaalaman at kakayanan tungkol sa pangangasiwa, o pamamahala (administrative and management skills). Sinasabing ang pangunahing tungkulin ng supervisoray ang pagpapatupad sa mga tauhan niya ang mga dapat na magampanan nila, kaya’t bukod sa mga nauna nang nabanggit na mga katangian, ay kailangang marunong din siyang mamahala. Ito ay mas maayos niyang maisasagawa kung may kaalaman siya at susundin niya ang sinasabing apat na proseso ng pamamahala (management process), at ito ay ang mga sumusunod: pagbabalak, o pagpaplano (planning), pag-aayos ng mga kailangan para sa pagpapatupad ng plano (organizing), pagganyak sa mga tauhan upang magtrabaho ng lubos (motivating or directing), at pagtutok at pagrerepaso sa mga kaganapan tungkol sa plano (controlling).
Ang pagpaplaplano o pagbabalak ay ginagawa sa pamamagitan ng pagtatakda ng iba’t-ibang mga hakbangin upang makamit ang isang hangarin. Mahalagang matukoy din ang panahon na dapat na magugol, at kung sino ang may pananagutan, para sa bawa’t hakbangin. Mahalaga din na kabilang sa nagplaplano ang lahat ng may kinalaman o kaugnayan sa pagpapatupad ng plano.
Ang pag-aayos ng mga kailangan ay magagawa sa pamamagitan ng isa-isang pagsusuri sa mga hakbangin upang alamin ang mga pangangailangang paghahanda upang ito ay maisagawa nang maayos. Ang pagtalakay muna sa mga pangangailangan tungkol sa mga tauhan (man), makina o kagamitan (machine or tools), materyales (materials), at pamamaraan (methods) ay makakatulong sa pagpapadali sa pagtupad ng hakbang na ito. Kailangan din ang pagkakalat ng mga gawain sa may mga kakayanang gumawa nito.
Ang pagganyak sa mga tauhan ay maisasagawa sa pamamagitan ng pagsasagawa ng mabisang pamumuno; at ito ay magyayari kung makikita ng mga tauhan sa ‘bisor ang tamang halimbawa ng pagbibigay halaga sa tungkulin, ang malasakit para sa kanila, at pagiging patas sa pagbibigay nag trabaho at pagpapataw ng disiplina.
Ang matagumpay na pagsasagawa o pagpapatupad ng isang balakin ay magagawa kung may gagawing tuloy-tuloy na pagtutok at pagrepaso ang ‘bisor sa mga kaganapan hanggang sa kahulihulihang hakbangin. Makakatulong nang malaki dito ang pagkakaroon ng gamit na kagaya ng Gantt Chart na siyang pweding tunghayan mayat-maya ng lahat ng may kinalman at interes sa isang plano o proyekto.
Ang paksang susunod na tatalakayin ng artikulo sa ilalim ng pangkalahatang pamagat na “Kahalagahan ng isang supervisor” ay ang kakayahang makipag-kapwa-tao (behavioural skills). At kung mayroon mang nagnanais na magpadala ng katanungan tungkol sa mga nakasulat ay mangyari lang na magpadala sa aking email na o sa aking webpage na!/jtl3mekaniko .

Kahalagahan ng isang supervisor #1

19 January 2012

Kamakailan lang ay may mga nakasalamuha akong mga namamahala ng isang pabrika - ang general manager at dalawa nitong bise-presidente. Sa harapang ito ay napag-usapan namin ang ilan sa mga hakbangin ng pamunuan tungkol sa paghahanda para sa mga darating na tatlo o limang taon. Ang isa dito ay ang paghahanda ng mga kailangang mga tauhan na siyang sasalo’ ng mga tungkuling maiiwanan ng mga nagsisipagretiro o na-promote ng mga tagapamahala. Sa dahilang ito ay ipinag-enroll nila (bilang isa sa mga hakbangin) ang dalawang tauhan sa isang unibersidad upang magkaroon pa ng pormal na edukasyon (at kaalaman) tungkol sa kanilang pangkasalukuyang katungkulan.
Sa puntong ito ay naibahagi ko sa kanila ang aking pananaw tungkol sa kahalagahan ng supervisor sa ikapagtatagumpay ng isang kumpanya, lalong-lalo na ang isang pabrika. Nabanggit ko na nakasalalay nang malaki ang tagumpay ng kumpanya sa kakayanan ng mga trabahador na tuparin nang maayos ang mga nakaatang na trabaho sa kanila, at ang supervisor ang siyang may katungkulang mamahala sa kanila upang makatupad sa kanilang mga tungkulin. At kung sino man ang namamahala ng direkta sa mga manggagawa ay siyang maituturing na katumbas ng supervisor, na kung minsan ay napapangalanan ng ibat-iba, depende sa kumpanya, kagaya ng group leader, leadman, foreman, team leader, shift in charge, office manager, atbp.
Kung ating susuriin ang kalagayan ng supervisor bilang bahagi ng pangasiwaan, o management, ito ay naiiba sa kadahilanang yung unang dalawang bahagi ng pangasiwaan (na top management at middle management) ay pawang nakikipag-ugnayan sa mga kapuwa taga-pangasiwaan, kung ito man ay sa nakakataas, o sa nasasakupan. Dahil, dito ay mas madali silang magkaintindihan.
Nguni’t ang supervisor, bagama’t taga-pangasiwaan ang nakakataas ay mga trabahador, o rank and file, naman ang kanilang nasasakupan. Dito masusubukan ang kanilang kakayahang mamuno dahil sa unang-una, ang pangunahin nilang tungkulin ay ang magpalabas o maghatid ng mga inaasahang resulta buhat sa kanyang mga tauhan. At bukod sa ma-teknikal na ang usapan, ay mas maraming din na di hamak ang kailangang pagpaliwanagan ng mga layunin, patakaran at alituntunin ng pangasiwaan. Dahil dito ay kailangang bigyan din ng matinding pagpahalaga ng pangasiwaan ang pagsasanay sa mga supervisor upang maging mabisa sila sa pagganap nila sa kanilang tungkulin.
At papano naman ang dapat na pamamaraan ng pagsasanay upang maging epektibo ang supervisor? Marahil ay dapat munang talakayin kung saan nanggagaling, o dapat na manggaling, ang mga supervisor, bago tunguhin ang pagsasanay.
Sa puntong ito ay maraming babasahin’ ang nagsasabing pinakamaige na manggaling sila sa hanay ng mga manggagawa o trabahador (o rank and file), at ang pipiliin ay kung sino ang may mataas na kaalamang teknikal tungkol sa trabahong sasakupin. Bukod dito ay dapat din na maganda ang record sa trabaho. Mayroon din namang nagsasabing maganda din na ang karanasan nilang pagpili at paghimok ng mga opisyal ng union na nakatalaga sa trabahong sasakupin dahil sa subok na ang kakayanan ng mga ito na mamuno, at di na mahihirapang magpasunod sa magiging mga tauhan. At kung sakaling walang makuhang may kakayahan sa loob ng organisasyon ay saka pa lang dapat na tumingin ng aplikante na manggagaling sa labas.
Sa ganang akin, ang kailangang kakayanan ng isang supervisor, na siyang magiging batayan ng pagsasanay niya ay nakapaloob sa tatlong bahagi: kaalaman tungkol sa trabahong sasakupin (job knowledge), kakayahan sa pakikipag kapwa-tao (bevioral skills), at kakayahang mag-isip na parang pangasiwaan (management mindedness).
Ang detalye tungkol sa tatlong paksang ito ay tatalakayin ko sa mga susunod na mga artikulo ko sa ilalim ng pangkalahatang pamagat na “Kahalagahan ng isang supervisor”.
Kung mayroon mang nagnanais na magpadala ng katanungan tungkol sa mga nakasulat ay mangyari lang na magpadala sa aking email na o sa aking webpage na!/jtl3mekaniko .